Creating Impact Beyond Our Workshops

Creating Impact Beyond Our Workshops

By Johan Premfors

With parts of the world in turmoil, from American politics to the crisis in Syria, and following the publication of our Life Design Manifesto, which touches our global sense of responsibility, we want to share that we have started a project which aims to bring additional impact to the work we do with our worldwide participants.

We can’t however, create from fear, and want to point to the fact that despite the current crisis that are in front of us that the world is getting safer every year; we are getting rid of disease, and more people are rising out of poverty globally than ever. While we focus on dealing with the crisis of climate control, human trafficking and war we must also build on the great things that are being achieved.

For every workshop, Gozamm will sponsor a child through Save the Children, an organization we share so many values with including creating physical and emotional safety for all children. The program helps children by providing healthcare and education and setting them up for a successful life. Save the Children is active in developed and undeveloped countries and play a big part in the current Syrian crisis.

Gozamm will randomly select children from different parts of the world and each group gets the opportunity to interact with the child through a contact person in their workshop group. There is absolutely no cost to any participants as all we ask them to do, is to keep the world’s children in mind.

“Our children are our greatest teachers. We allow their wisdom and knowledge to influence Gozamm and ultimately their own future. Our children are central to the movement that will finally tip the scale towards greater human coherence.”

From the Gozamm Life Design Manifesto

While we haven’t ironed out every detail, we decided that “done is better than perfect”, and thus launched the program in Geneva over the weekend with a brand new batch of Parentology/Relate participants. In the coming weeks we will be writing our official policy which we will make public. We will stick to our commitment and stay in touch with the great people at Save the Children and our friends at UNICEF to see how we can best support the efforts of many of the great organizations out there at the same time as we continue our march towards creating the greatest life design opportunities for every child and every adult on the planet.

Johan Premfors

Johan, a former investment banker who pivoted to a life of entrepreneurship focused on human consciousness projects, Johan is a dynamic figure in the coaching, leadership and conscious parenting movement. With unparalleled experience that includes starting and operating businesses in Europe, Middle East, U.S.A. and Afghanistan he is a strong advocate for conscious business and authentic leadership. -- view all articles